Have you ever wished to get straight hair without the line formed by having your hair in a ponytail or the stubborn curls that distroy your look?
Well...there's a homemade treatment that needs a few ingredients which will absolutely make your hair fabulicious in no time!
I had tried this treatement on my wavy/straight hair and I've seen a HUGE difference! My line in the middle of my hair had disappeared completely! I don't and NEVER use a straightner on my
hair,so instead I just blow dried my hair the way I usually do.
Note: I don't know about people who've got curly hair, but this treatment might work if you tried
it a couple of times in a month or two. I guarantee you it does work!
So here's the list of the ingrdients you'll need:
-Dabur Amla hair oil (found at an Indian grocery store)
Rice flour (1-2 spoons depending on thickness of hair)
-Milk (lightly heated, 1-2 spoons)
-Pure coconut oil (1/2 spoon)
-Almond oil (1 spoon)
-Olive oil (3 spoons)
Here's the list of materials you'll need:
-Plastic bowl (for mixture)
-Plastic spoon (to mix)
-Plastice throw away gloves (prevents from getting hands greasy)
-Plastic hair elastic (to throw away after hair treatment)
*Note*: This mixture won't smell that good because of the rice flour. So, shampoo your hair twice if needed. It will you hair greasy after the wash but, trust me later you'll love your hair feeling soft, shiny,straight and boucy!
Here are the steps:
Step 1:
-Apply Dabur Amla hair oil in your entire hair. Make sure you've applied enough to make you hair look a little damp.
Step 2:
-Now prepare the hair treatment mixture. In a plastic bowl add rice flour and milk. Mix these two ingredients so it's clump-free.
Step 3:
-Add pure coconut oil and olive oil into the mixture. Mix.
This mixture will seperate, but with a plastic spoon, scoop the rice flour and milk and apply that to your hair and scalp. Remember to massage your scalp when you've applied this. Leave this in for atleast one hour and a half. Then wash your hair. Blow dry it and comb it!
You should feel your hair almost alive and straight making your hair feel soft!
Good luck! :)